I consider myself a living, breathing testament to how community colleges serve a public good. Here are the three main ways that they did for me — and continue to do so for millions of others.
accessible education
The American Families Plan: Continuing the Original Promise of Community Colleges
Making community college free is right in line with why community colleges were founded to begin with: to make higher education more accessible for everyone. Historically, this has been done through low tuition and open access. The American Families Plan takes this vision one step further.
The Great Enrollment Crash: Beware of Summer Melt
“Summer melt” is the higher-education phenomenon where students who are seemingly intent on enrolling in college fail to do so once fall arrives. This happens more often than you might think, for a variety of reasons.
How UC’s Decision to End the Use of the SAT and ACT in Admissions Will Help Marginalized Students
The recent mandate is great news for making education more accessible to underrepresented groups. It’s about time.