“Summer melt” is the higher-education phenomenon where students who are seemingly intent on enrolling in college fail to do so once fall arrives. This happens more often than you might think, for a variety of reasons.
enrollment management
4 Questions Students Should Ask About Their College Program Before Enrolling During the Pandemic
Not every teaching method works for every individual — and that can have a huge impact on which program a college student ultimately chooses to enroll in.
How UC’s Decision to End the Use of the SAT and ACT in Admissions Will Help Marginalized Students
The recent mandate is great news for making education more accessible to underrepresented groups. It’s about time.
College Completion: The Waiting for Godot
Estragon: Let’s go! Vladimir: We can’t. Estragon: Why not? Vladimir: We’re waiting for Godot. Estragon: (despairingly) Ah! Estragon: Nothing happens, nobody comes, nobody goes, it’s awful! — Samuel Beckett, Waiting for Godot Every year across the United States, a significant number of students fail to complete their college degrees. Do colleges exist in a never-ending […]